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North Africa Sea
Turtle Network

The network "North Africa Sea Turtles Network-NASTNet" designates a group of independent experts, activating in the field of the conservation of sea turtles at the level of North Africa, initiated the first North African network for the conservation of sea turtles (NASTNet)...

  • Sea turtle conservation is our conversation!

    Mr Salih Diryaq
  • Born to be wild خلقت لتظل حرة

    Mr Mohamed Said ABDELWARITH
  • Committed to save sea turtles in North Africa and the Mediterranean, as part of the marvellous biodiversity of our planet

    Mr Abdulmaula HAMZA
  • More than 30 years helping sea turtles I continue with youth
    Sea turtles are important to the ocean. Let's protect them !

    Mr Nejeeddine BRADAI (INSTM)
  • Tous unis pour protéger les tortues marines! ..

    Mr Wassim AMDROUS
  • La conservation des tortues marines est un effort collectif, continuons ensemble

    Mr Imed JRIBI
  • La protection et la conservation est avant tout de l'action

    Mr Mouloud BEN ABDI


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    sea turtles


    Sea Turtles
    Critical Distinction

    In the Mediterranean, scientific knowledge about sea turtles has improved dramatically over the past decades. However, the levels of knowledge are not homogeneous between the species (more work on the loggerhead), the geographical areas, the countries and the research themes.

    • Research work in the countries of North Africa began in the early 1990s with mainly surveys in search of nesting sites.
    • Several studies concerning several aspects (ecology; biology, genetics, interaction with fishing, stranding, etc.) were then carried out in different countries, but in a very uneven way.
    • The following list of publications, although not exhaustive, summarizes the main works published in the region.
    It will be regularly updated with other old and new publications.

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    Our Experts

    Our expertise to
    save sea turtles

    The NASTNet network is a network to stimulate the conservation of sea turtles in North Africa, the NASTNet network designates a group of independent experts, activating in the field of the conservation of sea turtles at the level of North Africa have initiated the first North African network for the conservation of sea turtles (NASTNet).


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