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Tortues marines
Conservations des tortues
Les protocoles
Protocol of NAST-Net for monitoring Sea turtle nesting activity
Draft protocol for stranding network including all activities carried out with stranded animals
3. NAST-Net Protocol on studying interaction with fisheries (Bycatch Protocol)
4. NASTNet Protocol on Sea turtle Blood and Tissue sampling + Epibionts
5. NAST-Net Protocol of treatment of animals in difficulties alive or in a coma
A General Assessment of Marine Turtle Nesting Activity on the Libyan Saline Coast
Loggerhead turtles nesting in Libya: An important management unit for the Mediterranean stock
Distribution patterns and foraging ground productivity determine clutch size in Mediterranean loggerhead turtles
Nesting Activity and Conservation of marine Turtles in Three Nesting Sites West of Sirte (results of 2006-2007 seasons)
Conservation of Marine Turtle’s nesting at Three Sites West of Sirte, Libya
Sex ratio estimations of loggerhead marine turtle hatchlings by incubation duration and nest temperature at Sirte beaches (Libya)
A Field Key to the Developmental Stages of Marine Turtles (Cheloniidae) with Notes on the Development of Dermochelys
Marine turtle nesting activity assessment on libyan coasts
Towards a Representative Network of Marine Protected Areas in Libya
Marine Turtle Nesting Activity Assessment on Libyan Coasts
Marine turtle nesting activity and conservation, Sirte-Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (2006 season).
Sea turtles in the Mediterranean: distribution, threats and conservation priorities (Libya chapter)
Marine TurTle research and conservaTion in libya
Sea Turtles Tagging in Libya
NASTNet : a network to stimulate the conservation of sea turtles in North Africa.
Projet WWF - NASTNet
NASTNet : Un réseau pour stimuler la conservation des tortues marines en Afrique du Nord.
WWF - NASTNet مشروع
ناستنت : شبكة لتحفيز الحفاظ على السلاحف البحرية في شمال إفريقيا
National action plan for the conservation of marine turtles along the egyptian mediterranean coast
Sea turtles in the Mediterranean
African Sea Turtle Newsletter
Sea turtles in the west africa/east atlantic region
Sea turtles in the Mediterranean Region
Distribution of Trace Metals (Cd, Hg, Pb, Cu) and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) in Loggerhead Turtles
Sea turtles in Lake Bardawil, Egypt - size distribution and population structure
First study of sea turtle strandings in Algeria (western Mediterranean) and associated threats: 2016–2017
First record of loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) nesting in the Algerian coast (southwestern Mediterranean)
Proceedings of the second mediterranean conference on marine turtles
Marine turtle newsletter
Caretta caretta in Tunisia: Natural History and Report of a New Regular Nesting Area
Premiere mention de la nidification de la tortue caouanne caretta caretta sur la plage zouaraa (nord de la tunisie)
Intra-gear variation in sea turtle bycatch: Implications for fisheries management
Zoology in the Middle East
Marine turtles in the mediterranean egypt: threats and conservation priorities
Marine turtle newsletter
Preliminary report on the status of marine turtle nesting populations on the Mediterranean coast of Egypt
Preliminary report on the status of marine turtle nesting populations on the mediterranean coast of egypt
Effect of bait on sea turtles bycatch rates in pelagic longlines: an overview
Impact des filets maillants sur la tortue marine caretta caretta (Linnaeus, 1758) dans le golfe de gabes (Tunisie)
Gillnet fishery – loggerhead turtle interactions in the Gulf of Gabes, Tunisia
Interaction de la caouanne Caretta caretta (Linnaeus, 1758) avec la palangre de surface dans le golfe de Gabès en Tunisie
Effect of type of bait on pelagic longline fishery–loggerhead turtle interactions in the Gulf of Gabes (Tunisia)
Overview of loggerhead turtles coastal nets interactions in the Mediterranean Sea
Interactions of loggerhead turtle with bottom longline fishery in the Gulf of Gabe`s, Tunisia
Effect of type of bait on pelagic longline fishery–loggerhead turtle interactions in the Gulf of Gabes (Tunisia)
Interactions of loggerhead turtle with bottom longline fishery in the Gulf of Gabe`s, Tunisia
Bulletin de la Société Herpétologique de France
Impact of trawl fishery on marine turtles in the Gulf of Gabès, Tunisia
Bulletin de la société Herpétologique de France
Bulletin de la société Herpétologique de France
Incidental capture of sea turtles by longlines in the Gulf of Gabès (South Tunisia): A comparative study between bottom and surface longlines
Sex ratio estimations of loggerhead marine turtle hatchlings by incubation duration and nest temperature at Sirte beaches (Libya)
Sex Ratio Estimations of Loggerhead Sea Turtle Hatchlings at Kuriat Islands, Tunisia
Marine turtle newsletter
Preliminary Study On Parasites In Loggerhead Turtles (Caretta Caretta) From The Southern Tunisian Waters
Migration of the Mediterranean sea turtles into the Tunisian waters, importance of the tag recoveries as conservation management method
New record of Ocypode cursor (Linnaeus, 1758) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Ocypodidae) from the Tunisian coasts, the central Mediterranean Sea
The occurrence of the green sea turtle chelonia mydas, in the gulf of gabes (Tunisia)
The cirripedia associated with loggerhead sea turtles, caretta caretta, in the gulf of Gabes, Tunisia
On the occurrence of leatherback turtles dermochelys coriacea (vandelli, 1761), in tunisian waters (central mediterranean sea)
Marine turtle conservation in the mediterranean Marine turtle egypt
L'hivernage des tortues caouannes caretta ca retta (l.) dans le sud tunisien
Les tortues marines en algerie et au maroc (mediterranee)
NATIONAL ACTION PLAN for the Conservation of Marine Turtles and their Habitats in Libya
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